My Little Truth Teller
My Little Truth Teller
We've all been there, somewhere public with our children when they say, louder than you prefer, mama does she have a baby in her tummy? “Ohhh no sweet baby no no no no” Or in the middle of a restaurant, “Mom!! I have to poop!” Its like kids don't feel it coming, only on the brink of a serious 'in the pants' incident do they realize their need for a toilet! But, were not complaining, we would all prefer the stink eye from the nearest table or some chuckles, over an actual accident. THEN you swoop in to save them, whisk them off to the potty in just the nick of time, when they begin to loudly celebrate the neighboring stalls resident on their successful pee. |smiling sigh| “yes baby, they did so good...” So, when that day came to name the anatomy that makes girls different from boys....I hesitated. Should I tell the big eyed non filtered babe standing in front of me the truth..or should I play it safe? I see you moms out there, saying “Of course tell them!” But I have some real fears of my dear little one chanting these scientifically correct but awfully uncomfortable words down the echoy aisles of target. I can see myself, trying to hush her gently with my hand over her mouth, while awkwardly making eye contact with the unhappy mom nearby. "Ohhh hahaha shhh sh shhhhhhhhhhh!!" racing to the end of the aisle for safety.

My little three year old is smart and understands the need for privacy, she also obeys well and would understand that some words are just for home. My concern comes when she is deep in imagination land with “Cupa” and “Luca” that her filter seems to disappear. While visiting with friends one night she was playing nicely and quietly when I started to hear her voice get louder and louder till our conversation died out to listen to hers..."hey! You better listen to mama right now! If you don't I'm going to thump your you hear me!" she said stooping over the innocent baby doll that lay in front of her.... Oh blessed is the child who listens to her parents... Thankfully I have great friends, so no explanation needed :) This little truth teller is also my side kick, where I go she goes, what I do, she does. I Have been immensely blessed to be a stay at home mama, for which i am thankful daily. She is extremely sensitive to others emotions and can feel the mood of a room very easily, sooo when I am having a less than perfect attitude she knows it, and asks lots of questions. I can't always tell her the full story,so I give her feeler words like, “Mama is frustrated”, or “having a rough time.” She is quick to console and try to distract me with " surprises" and “I have something to show you!” The problem arises when this sensitive little creature recognizes that same expression at a family get together, or somewhere I m not happy to be, and exploits me for what I really am....”frustrated and having a rough time.” These years of truth telling pass quickly, soon we will be praying for honesty. This is why we love them for all they are, everyday.
God Bless,