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Our Journey to Find our Son

First off, Thank you for reading, I will try and keep it short ;) 












Fall of 2014 my husband Logan and I stepped out in a HUGE leap of Faith to begin a long journey of Adoption! After much prayer we felt led to pursue an international adoption in Tanzania Africa! After four short months our journey took a bit of a detour. Without going into too much detail, we encountered several red flags with in the process and knew it was time for us to look elsewhere. To make that decision even harder we had already accepted a sweet little referral who was 18 months old. He, without knowing it, already held our hearts. After much prayer we knew it was right for us to move on, but what about that sweet baby? We decided God placed him in our lives for one reason or another, so we began to pray daily for him. One day, I felt compelled to visit the orphanage's Facebook page, where our sweet little friend lives. The first picture to pop up was one of him and an announcement of his departure from the orphanage to his new home, with his new Mommy! My eyes welled with tears as I finally saw Gods plan falling into place.












He is a great God, I know that! Sometimes I just need to be reminded of HOW great :)


We have since restarted our Adoption in the beautiful country of Uganda! Our process is moving along smoothly, slowly but smoothly. We ask for prayers of patience and ease. We feel so blessed by the community of people who support us daily.


Thank you & God Bless


The Bahlers 



All Life Photography Proceeds go to Fund the Bahlers Adoption 

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