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Projects with No Pennies

Organization & Repurposing

To start this blog off I need to make one thing crystal clear: I love projects. If I could get paid to do projects I would be the happiest lady in the land. Whether repurposing an old item, spray painting, re arranging, giving a room a new focus...I love it...I looooove it. Invite me over, I will do it to your house too.

So, being a stay at home mama, cooped up inside trying not to spend money, I get pretty antsy for a project! Oh yes, there are piles of laundry to be washed, dirty dishes waiting to be scrubbed...floors that long to sparkle, but those activities did not make it on the agenda today.

I had something else in mind...

Problem to Solve: Afternoons at my house get pretty spicy around 3:35 when 6 snowy pairs of boots march through my front door.

Our living room serves as a TV space, lounge area, reading nook, barbie central, tiny doll land, activity/snack table, and school kid entrance!

Everyday, whether warm or cold the bags, boots, coats, snow pants, books, and crafts need a home. A safe place where the socks can stay until Mom and Dad come for pick up.

My Go-To fix for everything in life, like any living human, is Pinterest!

Of course there were an endless list of preciously cute cubbies to make any enterance dance with joy. But, the title of this post is Projects with NO Pennies, not lots and lots of Pennies. Lets be real, Pinterest is amazing beyond words but, MONEY is always an issue at my house. So I kept thinking.

And here it is:

This Project cost $5 and took 5 minutes to put together. I wish I could say it was free! BUT depending on the things you have around your house, it could be Free for you!

Here's what you need:

An Old Shelf (Or new!)

2 Rugs

4 Tubs or buckets


Name Tag

Contact Paper

Simply turn your shelf on its side, up against a wall or (like me) the back of our couch.

Inside each shelf place a bucket or a tub.

I made a Name Tag for each Cubbie, which makes sense for organization. I just used a piece of paper and a chalkboard marker. I attached the tags using contact paper.

The rugs on top of the shelf are a must if you expect watery filled boot souls. I purchased the buckets and the rugs at Dollar Tree. I used two rugs, and just cut them in half!

Use Velcro to attach them to the shelf, they will NOT stay put on their own :)

Super easy project in $5 or LESS! No More crazy mess!!

God Bless,


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